LisaTant Lisa Tant
Haven't been to Trattoria Giancarlo in ages - one of Toronto's finest restaurants. Pasta, chicken, lava cake all delicious tonight.
rustyrockets Russell Brand
On behalf of the Queen I accept the thanks of all Americans. Now if you can just curb the silly accent we can start again
ninadobrev Nina Dobrev
OK-seriously?? its not even officially thanksgiving yet and I turn on the radio - they're playing Xmas Music. No joke. That should b illegal
ElizabethHurley Elizabeth Hurley
If only to turn right on red. Ha!
ElizabethHurley Elizabeth Hurley
Still got a fever and back to crunching ready to emigrate to somewhere warm. Lived in LA for 10 yrs...tempted to go back.
victoriabeckham Victoria Beckham
NY is beautiful!!Here working on the collections.X vb X
ConanOBrien Conan O'Brien
Can't tweet...eating...
ladygaga Lady Gaga - It is a promising morning when your eyelash falls in your Folgers.
taylorswift13 taylorswift13
Why, at my family gatherings, do we always have to end up youtubing funny cat videos..
Jeanne_Beker Jeanne Beker
SO....My Bekky just got MARRIED!!!!! Hooray for her and her fab guy Keith! Can't believe I'm "Mother of the Bride"! Life's one big SURPRISE!
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