Sienna Miller has had it with being considered a femme fatale and raises her voice to clear up all rumors on her break up with the actor and ex husband Jude Law. The 29-year-old actress has stressed that this second separation from Jude was “friendly and mutual” and the rumors on a possible relationship with Joe Amstrong, who is her co-star at the theater in Flare Path, are “ridiculous”. Sienna went on to say that she felt quite uncomfortable reading these rumors on papers and this is why she chose to defend herself openly.
However, the beautiful Sienna in her statement did not talk about the kisses to the 25-year-old actor Tom Sturridge and also didn’t address her special relationship with Dan Macmillan, the 36-year-old fashion designer with whom she shares a passion for Ibiza and London parties. Could she have simply forgotten?
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Francesco Musolino
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