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Justin Bieber for D&G

Posted by ElenaPearl
Saturday evening I was the envy of every little girl, or should I say tween, as I attended the party Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana held in honour of Justin Bieber at their restaurant Gold. A crowd of screaming girls, possessed by what can only be described as mania, greeted the adolescent star on Piazza Risorgimento. Actually, “greeted” sounds a little too composed, it would be more correct to say: “tried to assault”.

Marketing, like religion, captures the minds of the pre-pubescent almost irreparably, and cleverly Domenico and Stefano have chosen Justin Bieber as a spokesperson for their vernal line D&G. The younger the star, the more the tween identifies and has a strong emotional response to the celebrity/brand. Domenico and Stefano kindly fulfilled the request of some young girls whose dream was to attend the party, and the pre-adolescent groupies arrived accompanied by their father for the after-show affair. Yes, there was a live concert too, but I was only prepared to go so far for my anthropological investigation. I opted for the food and drinks and chose to sidestep the music that, after all, isn’t the strongest part of the Justin Bieber brand.

The bar inside Gold is usually adorned with iconic Martini logos, which had to be taken down for the arrival of Bieber and his crowd of bodyguards, minders, musicians and other staff. There were rumors that there wasn’t going to be ANY alcohol at the party, but fortunately they weren’t true. I enjoyed a drink with delightful fashion reporter Susan Tabak, who I can identify with far more than little Justin. Thankfully there was food too, as Domenico and Stefano are always excellent hosts. The downside is that I stained my precious Woody Guthrie t-shirt from the Smithsonian Institution, but I don’t think anyone noticed as all eyes were on the little Canadian prince and his fifteen minutes of glory. Bless him. Domenico, you can now put the Martini signs back up. The screaming little girls have left and Piazza Risorgimento is safe once again.

Costantino della Gherardesca

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